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Mbam Heads Buhari’s Newly Inaugurated RMAFC



President Muhammadu Buhari has inaugurated the board of the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission.

Thirty commissioners were inaugurated on Thursday by the President, with Mr Elias Mbam as the Chairman.

The ceremony took place at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

The RMAFC is the body responsible for preparing the formula for sharing revenues among the three tiers of government in the country.

The body is also responsible for fixing the remuneration of political office holders as well as monitoring the revenues accruing to the federation account from revenue-generating agencies.

The Punch

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NERC Blames Third Time Collapse of National Grid in One Week to Transformer Explosion



The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has blamed the most recent national grid collapse on the explosion of a transformer at the Jebba Transmission station.

Several parts of the country were thrown into a blackout in the early hours of the day, the third time in one week.

The NERC said it is concerned by the “escalating incidence of grid disturbances” which is “reversing many of the gains recently achieved in reducing infrastructure deficit and improving grid stability”.

“Initial reports on the grid disturbance that occurred this morning indicate that today’s outage was triggered by an explosion of a current transformer at the Jebba transmission station at 0815hrs and an associated cascade of power plants shut down arising from the loss of load,” the NERC said in a Saturday statement.

“However, efforts to restore supply have advanced with power significantly restored, as at 1300hrs, in 33 states and the FCT.”

NERC said it is working to ensure a more “discipline in grid management and optimised investment in infrastructure”.

“In pursuit of finding a permanent resolution to the challenges of the national grid, the Commission shall shortly conduct an investigative public hearing with a view to identifying immediate and remote causes of recurring incidences of grid disturbances and widespread outages,” it said.

“The date and venue of the public hearing will shortly be announced in the national dailies and stakeholders are encouraged to participate.”

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Food for Living: Wake Up and Act on Your Dreams



By Henry Ukazu

Dear Destiny Friends,

There’s no doubt sleep is good for the human body. The benefit of a good sleep is priceless. Sleep helps to relax the body system, especially when it is worn out and exhausted. When one sleeps, there’s a certain kind of nourishment and peace that comes to the human body. However, the quantity of sleep is not as important as the quality of sleep. You might sleep for eight hours, but the quality might not be as rich as the one who slept peacefully for just four hours.

Whenever sleep comes with a blissful dream, one must wake at once, and face the reality towards actualizing the dream. Just like we all need to wake up from our dream, we also need to tell ourselves the home truth, we are the architect of our life and as such, we are responsible for the outcome of our life.  If you don’t wake up to build the kind of life you want, you might end up working or building someone else’s life.

Don’t get me wrong; we are called to serve humanity in one way or another. While some people are born to be great leaders, some are born to be great followers, who will help the leader to lead well; some are born to be great entrepreneurs, while some to be employees serving in different capacities. What’s important is to know your calling, purpose, mission, vision, and concept of life, and then be intentional in actualizing it.

A renowned capitalist, Michael Roberts, in his book, “Action Has No Secret 2.0”, coined a word “Actionaire”. According to him, action has no season, and anyone can take action at any said time. He further stated that as an actionaire, one must decide to take action to bring forth their dreams. Without taking action, dreams will be mere desires.

An actionaire takes action. Michael Robert added that an actionaire always wakes up from his sleep and begins to take action.

To express how one takes action, my late dad counseled his children not to sleep too much. As a matter of fact, during our formative years in the USA, my late dad normally sprinkles water on me and my siblings when he feels we have had a decent sleep. He’s fond of saying, we have many hours and years to sleep when we die, but while we are alive, we should work.

In order to understand how one can wake up from sleep, there was a story about a gazelle and a lion. Every day, the gazelle wakes up, it knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or be killed and eaten for breakfast. Conversely, the lion also knows it must outrun the fastest gazelle or starve to death. The morale of this post is that whether you are a lion or a gazelle, at sunrise, you had better be running.

The principle here is simple, in the journey of life, if you don’t wake up, and act decisively, you will definitely remain where you are. Nobody is going to give you what you desire, rather they will give you what you deserve. It’s just like an employee or a skilled worker who is looking for a raise or better pay, your boss won’t pay you what you deserve no matter your degree. Though your employer will factor your degree and appreciate the effort, he will subtly inform you, he’s working on a budget, or this is the best they can offer. The option will now be open for you to decide if you want the job or not.

Again, if you are seeking for an opportunity, the opportunity will in turn seek you, and if you don’t seek an opportunity, the opportunity will not seek you.

In every sphere of life, you must wake up, and go after your dreams even if it means taking strategic risks. It’s instructive to note that no matter the dream, passion, academic qualification, certifications, prophesy, prayers, intuition, feeling, skills or even talents one may have, if one does not becomes intentional in taking action, their desires and ambitions will be mere wishes.

On a personal note, I have sought opportunities, networked with the right people, supported my mentors, and followed most of their principles, but my fortune didn’t change much until I began to take action. I have since discovered that great things happen when we take actionable steps to birth our vision.

Most of us want to write a book, get a Masters or Ph.D, apply for a fellowship, learn a skill among others, but due to procrastination, excuses or situations beyond our control, we couldn’t take action.

It’s worthy to note that life will not be easy and will never be easy anytime, we just need to do the best anytime we can whenever we have the opportunity. Sometimes, I pay to attend events of interest just to meet one person. Sometimes, I buy luxury items and gifts to associates, mentors, elders and people of interest just to get attention. I may not get the desired result now, but I do know one day, it will pay off. To tap into these blessings, please give and support with love. Don’t do it with vested interest. All these are ways of waking up from the dream and taking action.

It is sad to see lazy opportunists, who just believe manna will fall from above. These people will prefer to beg instead of looking for an opportunity to serve or work instead of taking action by making an effort to change the status quo.

It should be noted that opportunities will have to be created. The reason some rich or wealthy people find it hard to give people money might be because some of them took an amount of risks; some paid dearly to get to where they are; some even volunteered, while some took loans to set up their businesses and all of a sudden, somebody feels entitled to their money without making reasonable or strategic effort to show why they need support.

In conclusion, if you are sleeping, please wake up from your dream and take action. Act like a businessman who knows his target audience and takes effort to meet them where they are as opposed to having them come to him. That’s how to take action.

I charge you today, whatever you desire in life, dream it, say it, think it, see it, believe and most of all, wake up and act on it. I look forward to seeing you at the top.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your  and Unleash Your Destiny .  He can be reached via

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Policy of Inclusivity: Egbetokun Hosts Past IGPs in Abuja



The Inspector-General of Police, Kayode Egbetokun, on Wednesday, hosted a Committee of Past IGPs in line with the vision and policy of inclusivity of the present leadership of the Force.

The parley, which presented an avenue to formulate and discuss groundbreaking policies, was held at IGP’s Smart Conference Hall, Louis Edet House, Force Headquarters, Abuja.

The meeting aimed at facilitating a meaningful dialogue for the purpose of fortifying the foundation of effective policing in Nigeria as well as foster an in-depth exchange of ideas, highlighting the profound insights from past IGPs, who shared valuable experiences arising from their tenure, and the evolution of policing methods.

IGP Egbetokun acknowledged the invaluable contributions of the past IGPs who are doyens in Policing, emphasizing that their tenures have constructed solid foundations for the NPF, with each past IGP playing a pivotal role in reforming the Nigeria Police Force to favorably compare with their counterparts across the globe.

The past IGPs seized the opportunity to address and share their experiences with the members of the Force management team, AIGs, CPs, and other senior officers working within the Force Headquarters.

Among past IGPs present at the meeting were IGP Aliyu Attah GCON, NPM, mni, (Rtd); IGP Sunday Ehindero CFR, NPM, fwc, (Rtd); IGP Mike Okiro CFR, NPM, mni, (Rtd); IGP Mohammed Abubakar CFR, NPM, mni (Rtd) and the 21st Inspector-General of Police, IGP Alkali Baba Usman psc+, NPM, fdc, (Rtd).

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