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Food for Living: Never Lose Hope



By Henry Ukazu

Dear Destiny Friends,

Globally, the world is at a loss as to what the future holds for businesses, relationships, governance and life in generally. One of the questions that is on the lips of everyone is, will life ever return to normal again? in fact, so many questions begging for answers. Even as government officials, doctors, scientists and lab technicians are working tooth and nail to find the cure for Coronavirus, the world remains at standstill not knowing what the new order, with respect to business and life, will be. It is therefore, with great joy I bring you the good news of a better tomorrow – hope. Hope is everything we need to change our mindset. Without hope, it will be difficult to behold the foreseeable future.

As Christians, we were taught to have hope because Christ was raised from the dead, otherwise our preaching and believing in Christ will be in vain. As motivational and inspiration life coach teachers, we teach business leaders, government officials, technocrats, academicians and students to plan for a better tomorrow by securing knowledge and skill. It is because of the hope that great minds were able to live their dreams.

We all go through one life situation or another which makes us lose our passions, reduces our attitude and make us react differently. It is possible that you are contending with a particular situation now, I got information for you; don’t get defeated, stay afloat because what you think is the valley of dissatisfaction and disappointment can still turn out to be a blessing and breakthrough.

Patience is the harbinger of hope, and one must have loads of it. When you face though time , don’t lose hope; face the fear and rise. Always see every tough time as the opportunity to break through and break even. Be rest assured that you have the capacity to think out of the box.

There’s always a blessing in every valley. The experience of today will definitely make meaning to you in another 10 years time or less. You need to learn the experience in order to move to the next stage of life. Don’t complain about your problem. Trouble is inevitable, but misery is optional. Don’t be limited in you thought process. Be proactive and positive towards life.

Hope has no limit if you truly believe in your dreams and passion. Hope fuels passion in life. Some people feel they are too old to go to school, start a business, or get married; that’s a huge fallacy. It only becomes true when you believe in them. Let me share some insightful examples of five great individuals who chose not to give up. They chose to keep pushing forward despite imminent hardships and failures, and ultimately found great success in their lives:

1. Henry Ford – He had five major business failures before founding Ford Motor Company.

2. Lucille Ball – Early in her career, she was considered a failure as an actress, unable to land anything but B movie roles. She went on to win four Emmys and a lifetime achievement award.

3. Soichiro Honda – After being turned down for a job with Toyota, he decided to make scooters from his own home until his neighbors talked him into starting his own company, Honda.

4. Bill Gates – He dropped out of Harvard and started a business called Traf-O-Data which failed. Instead of giving up, he decided to start a little company called Microsoft .

5. Walt Disney – He was fired from his job with a newspaper company. He was told he lacked imagination and didn’t have any good ideas. He went on to create Disney’s empire.

These five people learnt a valuable lesson, and that is, “You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.” I truly believe we can accomplish just about anything if we are willing to do what it takes to work for it and if we stay determined in our resolve. And when hard times come, as they most assuredly will, we must never allow ourselves to lose hope, knowing that the best is yet to come.

According to Martin Luther king Jr. “We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.”

When you have hope, you are not concerned about the wave and wind that is blowing outside. When you have internal hope, you’ll be less distracted about the noise outside. Hope is what keeps our dream alive. When you have hope, though you may feel the pain of the moment, you’ll not really be concerned about the brief pain because of the greater tomorrow. According to an African proverb, a hunger that has hope won’t kill someone. As a student going to school you have a hope for a better future if you do the needful. As a parent, you have hope that if you train your children very well they will take care of you in your old age.  As a businessman/woman, you have hope in spite of the lockdown and ups and down of life; your business will rise again for a greater success. The list is endless.

Hope is one of the greatest virtues any productive mind must have in order to succeed. This is because no matter how life treats you, tomorrow always look good and promising. I don’t really know what you are experiencing at the moment. Are you looking for financial stability, are you looking/hoping for the right partner? Are you looking for a job? Are you currently going through a situation? I don’t know what your situation is at the moment, but I will strongly advise you to be patient while learning all the experiences inherent. In the journey of life, even if you lose all options, never lose hope.

History is replete of stories about people who came into hard times, lost hope, and gave up. We rarely come to learn what would have happened with these individuals if they had not given up. We are left to wonder what great successes these people might have achieved if they had chosen to hold on to hope. And how they might have gone on to shape our world for the better?

The truth is life can be unfair, think of life as a white piece of paper that’s divided into individual portions for each chapter of our lives, that these portions are just waiting for us to colour them with our adventures, our journeys and our experiences, both the good and the bad. The different colours represent the various happenings, our feelings and the emotions we experience. So, go out and live your life, dance through the storms, embrace whatever happens and lies ahead.

How to Avoid Losing Hope

1.      Be Grateful For What You Still Have

It doesn’t matter how you choose to be grateful. You can write out ten things right now you’re grateful for. You can sing to the heavens all the beautiful aspects of your life. You can take a big, giant breath, hold it for ten seconds, give it a powerful exhale and yell, “I’m grateful for this breath of life life because a lot of people are gasping for breath via ventilators”. There’s always something to be grateful about you if you’re honest with yourself.  I’m specially gratueful to God for the ability to write and speak creatively.

Before I published my book, I was afraid how will the world receive it. Will it make sense? Is what I’m writing worthwhile, or is it hogwash? The list of insecure questions goes on and on. The point I’m wanting to make is: Keep your head up, believe in yourself, and take life head on.

2.      Embrace Tough Times and Explore Options to Recreate

During tough times you can’t give up, ever. Even during the toughest times you must keep your hopes alive by pushing through. Work on what needs to get done, try and build some momentum, and then build on it further. Moral: Hold on pain endures

That last thing you should be doing is quitting, which I slightly hesitate to say because there are some very good reasons to quit sometimes. If you’re passionate about what you want to do, then don’t quit.

3.      Know Your Why

Because, when we set goals or we have some hope or dream that we’re driving towards, we have to ensure that we addressed the three W’s of Goal setting. What, Why, and When. If we didn’t have a strong enough reason why we wanted to achieve something, then we might have subconsciously given up on that goal long before we consciously realized it.

4.       Be Honest with Yourself

When you can change your approach along the way, you can move towards your goals much quicker because you won’t find yourself surprised suddenly if things don’t end up working out. Always be honest in all situations. it will breed a much happier and healthier path towards your goals.

5.      Get Support from Your Base

Sometimes, the best way to take stock of the positives that we can gain from a situation that might seem bleak, is through the support of others. Whether it’s friends, family members, religious denominations, or support groups, other people can help us to look at things in perspective and offer us a guiding light towards the shores of hope.

6.      Have Faith

No matter what you believe in: God, Allah, Buda, or the Singular. No situation, no matter how dire or bleak, can defeat you if you don’t let it. We are all a product of the lens of focus from our mind’s eyes.

In conclusion, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and countless people have failed more times than they’ve succeeded. So don’t loose hope. And finally, remember, if you loose all options, don’t loose hope.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success. He can be reached via

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Food for Living: Take Responsibility



By Henry Ukazu

Dear Destiny Friends,

Apart from having the fear of God, one of the greatest desires any individual is a responsible life partner or spouse. In fact, a responsible partner transcends beyond ability to provide as there exists many, who can provide, are still irresponsible. Being responsible is priceless. Being responsible is a currency and goodwill which is not seen among cheap people.

While little girls in high schools are thrilled about the handsomeness of boys, and big ladies in colleges are attracted to the intelligence and financial capacity of guys, mature working ladies are more concerned about the security and loyalty of guys. This set of mature ladies are not concerned about the physical looks and financial capacity of guys. Though money and good looks are important, but they can’t be compared to loyalty and security. This is because a man may not have money, may not look great, and may not even be rich in intelligence, but when a lady sees him as responsible, with prospects, she might take him very seriously, and vice versa.

Asides character, irresponsibility is one thing that detaches a man from a lady. As a matter of fact, when a man senses a lady has been sexually exposed to a lot of men, withdrawal syndrome begins to set in, especially if he’s familiar with such men. Irresponsibility can be attributed to lack of good character or why will a responsible woman be messing around with several men.

One may wonder if this article is about the relationship between a man and a woman. The simple answer is no. The article is about life. I had to begin with human beings to x-ray the importance of living a responsible life. The truth is nobody likes to relate with an irresponsible person whether at work, church, family or events. An irresponsible person will have trust issues, fail in leadership, suffer from accountability issues, and will never be counted as reliable. If negative forces wish to deal with a person, they send an irresponsible people their way, and the individual’s life or work will be completely damaged.

As human beings, we are responsible for our life. It is what we sow that we reap. When we love, we are bound to reap love, when we sow hatred, it has a way of coming back to us. When we sow kindness, kindness will locate us in due time. When we sow hard work, it has a way of paying us back in the near future. When we help the less privileged, we accumulate the grace and mercy of God in the universe. When we invest in people, we tend to open doors, and like a magnet, attracts blessings, favours and opportunities our way.

The question we need to ask ourselves therefore, is what kind of life are we living? According to Socrates, “an unexamined life is not worth living”. Being able to take stock of one’s life is one of the best things that can happen to anyone. Just like a businessman takes inventory of his products, one must be intentional to live a life of purpose. Failure to do so is inviting Karma.

It’s instructive to note that taking responsibility involves a process. It is the foundation one lays that determines the kind of house they live in. For instance, if your tummy aches, what you ate yesterday is the likely the cause; if you are depressed, the culprit is the thought you meditated on the night before; if you are broke, it is usually because you mismanaged your money earlier; if you are overweight, it is because you over-ate in the past. Did you see that actions have consequences and it’s your responsibility to fix yourself with the right thoughts and actions.

The moral of the story is that your reality today is the consequence of your thoughts and actions of yesterday. And your future will reflect your thinking and deeds of today. It’s important to note that no demon is powerful enough to make you reap what you did not sow, neither is any demon more powerful than Karma. If you are in doubt, sow a seed today, and it will show tomorrow.

So, it is important for one to take responsibility for their lives. Nobody will fix you more than you can fix yourself; nobody can help you more than you can help yourself; nobody can save you more than you can save yourself; nobody can inspire you more than you can inspire yourself; and nobody can make you live a responsible life if you are not determined to be responsible.

It’s sad to see people who haven’t taken time to plan their lives, yet expect other people to fix them. Some people don’t invest in themselves by reading, researching, taking a class, course, learning a skill, traveling, investing in their businesses, relationship, network, volunteering in an association, and adding value to their lives. Sometimes, lazy minds lie idle waiting for the Lamb of God, who will take away their sins and burdens. These lazy minds fail to understand that everyone is dealing with a secret frustration.

In conclusion, decide today to take charge of your life, and see how life will unfold positively for you.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your  and Unleash Your Destiny .  He can be reached via

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Food for Living: Unleashing the Keys of Life to Succeed



By Henry Ukazu

Dear Destiny Friends,

There is a key to unlocking everything in life in the guise of manuals and codes. Without the manual or code, a car, laptop, phone and other equipment won’t be activated or function properly. Without the right key, a door won’t open. Without the right foundation, success will be a far cry. An individual must therefore, know the right formula if they wish to succeed.

Success, like every other endeavours,  including staying healthy and going to heaven, definitely has a key. In the same vein, everyone, in whatever guise, has a key to manifest every of his desire, and it behoves on one to do all legally and morally possible to discover it.

Life is truly a mystery. Nobody except the creator can unravel it. So to understand and unravel life, one must understand and get closer to the source or creator. This is just the simple truth of how life really works. Keys are like codes, formulas, and secrets. When you have the right code to any bank vault, you can break into it; when you have the formula to any mathematical problem, you won’t have a challenge solving the equation, but when you have the wrong formula, you will arrive at the wrong answer. The same principle is applicable to secrets; every human being has a secret, the ability to discern one’s secret will go a long way in assisting them to get their desires.

Let’s take a case of a man who wants to woo a lady. The first thing he does is figure out a close friend or family member who knows the lady in question, to decipher what she likes or wants in a man. This is because some ladies are attracted to men who are good with words while some are attracted to gifts, services, physical touch and time. If you would like to know more about these five love languages, I will strongly recommend you read Gary Chapman’s five love languages.

Keys are very symbolic in life; they are the foundation of life because without the foundation it will be difficult to resolve any concern. For instance, as a new employee in a company, to succeed, it will be important to understand the principles, values and the culture applicable in that company or organization. In any profession, whether law, medical, engineering, entertainment, political or religion, one needs to understand how it works, and the necessary structure needed to succeed. Even in the academic industry, one must know how to use the right words to convey the right message.

Keys are manuals, and when you have them, life will be smooth. Imagine operating a phone, car, television, laptop or other products without the manual; one is bound to encounter challenges, and the tendency of the product not functioning in optimum capacity is possible.

There is a story about how a man whose car broke down along the way, while he was trying to figure out how to fix the car, he encountered several difficulties, and the car refused to start. He tried all he could, but all to no avail. While he was trying to figure out what to do, an old man reached out to him to know if he needed help. He dismissed the old with the mindset he can’t do anything. After trying several times to fix the car, he couldn’t. He had to allow the old man to try. The man opened the burnet of the car and hit a knob and told the man to start the car, and the car began to work. The man was startled and asked the old man, what’s his name man. He said, Henry Ford, the inventor and owner of Ford Motors.

What’s the moral of this story? Henry Ford has the master key to fixing the car. He was able to fix the car because he’s the inventor. Henry Ford has the master key. If he wasn’t the inventor, it would have been difficult for him to fix the car. Note that another person can also fix the car if he has the codes and manuals laid down by the inventor.

Overtime, I have discovered that the ability to relate with human beings in a close way is one of the best way to understand them. Everybody has a key that works for them, one’s ability to decipher this key can be a gateway to success, and this comes with timing. So, as you move along in life, please always endeavor to have a basic understanding of the industry, company or social-political space because it will go a long way in determining the height you can attain.

In conclusion, keys are life’s oxygen, which if missing, leads to a time bomb effect, but when available leads to a floodgate of success.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your  and Unleash Your Destiny .  He can be reached via

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Food for Living: Appreciate Your Detractors



By Henry Ukazu

Dear Destiny Friends,

“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is pleasing everyone”

Life has many twists and turns. The ability to successfully navigate them will usher any individual into a whole new dimension of existence. This is because sometimes, when we experience misfortunes, we think there’s a force working against us, yes, it might be true to some extent, but the truth is, it might be something totally unrelated to what one might be thinking. One’s mindset has a way of deceiving then, especially when they are not properly informed.

Whenever we experience misfortunes, or life doesn’t seem to align with our plans, expectations and desires, consider thinking out of the box to know what happened, instead of apportioning blame.

For instance, ask yourself if you made a mistake; if  the answer is yes, find out if you could have done differently. Again, did someone contribute to it or masterminded the act; was it a natural cause; was it because of a government policy; was it a case of Karma working against you; or is a case of detractors trying to set you up for failure. One’s ability to decipher the right answers to these questions will go a long way to fixing the issue.

For the sake of this article, we shall focus on detractors to x-ray their role in orchestrating one’s destiny. It’s generally normal for us to hate our enemies or anyone who has a negative vibe or energy towards us, but the truth remains that everyone we meet in life has a role the universe or destiny has planted or positioned them to play. The ability to know this truth will go a long way towards appreciating life.

It should be known that detractors are not as bad as they appear, yes. Some may be bad, agreed, but some are there to help us do better. Isn’t it true that only our true friends will drive us to do better? Whenever a mentor, friend, parent, supervisor, benefactor, or even your enemy admonishes you, please don’t take it personal. Look at their intent as opposed to their words.

My beloved mother will always say, when someone is speaking, always look at their heart as opposed to their words. Words can literally mean nothing if our actions don’t correlate with our words.

But when the criticism is from a place of disrespect or disdain, consider removing yourself from that space until the person receives sense. According to Uche Okorie, a Maritime lawyer, “When you are criticized objectively, examine it. If it is untrue, ignore it. If it is unfair, resist the temptation to be irritated. If it is ignorant, just smile. If it is justified, then it is NOT criticism, LEARN FROM IT!

It’s only myopic and uninformed minds that will take corrections from a negative perspective. Progressive minds welcome constructive criticism because it serves as a second eye for them. It is sad to see people who should appreciate the role of detractors in their life acting funny because they allow their ego to rule them. Hear this from me, if you have someone who will correct you on the right way, and because you feel you don’t like the person, or the person is younger than you, or whatever reason you have, you are actually doing yourself a disservice because if you had taken the opportunity to learn, maybe an opportunity would have popped out in the nearest future.

On a personal note, I have experienced detractors in my life when I was serving as the Public Relations Officer for the Nigerian Lawyers Association. Let me make this disclosure; my detractors were right in their concerns because my writing skills were indeed horrible at the said time, however, what I didn’t really like was the approach they used in correcting me. It came across to me in a sarcastic, derogatory and disdainful manner to the extent I almost felt like leaving the association, but for the influence of mentors who I regard as life savers, I was able to manage the situation and today, when I reference back, I’m glad I didn’t resign. The whole experience has really shaped my approach and outlook to life, especially when I mentor the younger generation and relate with people who ordinarily think life has no space for them.

Here’s my advice, please stop hating your enemies, they will make you stronger, especially when they want to see you fail. Your detractors have a role to play in your life. Without them, your life would be depressingly boring. You might not be inspired to do better. For instance, one of my driving forces was being told I was a horrible writer, and life might not be easy for me to live in America. I was even told to consider going back to Nigeria. All these I guess, came from a place of love if you look at my situation at the said time, but guess what, man is not God because nobody knows tomorrow.

If I was told I will have two books to my name and a co-author to another book, I won’t believe it. Maybe God has used the books to send a subtle message to my detractors. Furthermore, a horrible writer is now a prolific writer, who is read globally every week.

Let me ask you, what would Tom be without Jerry? How interesting will a James Bond movie be without a villain? If not for satan, many of us will not be serving God. If not for the lion that runs fast, the antelope would not run faster.

Let’s take it a little further, there was a race  I watched where Usain Bolt was running, he was looking at his colleagues while sprinting because they were inspiring him to run faster, when he looks back, and sees his rival closing in, he runs faster. Without his opponents, Usain Bolt wouldn’t have broken records. The moral here is that our enemies are as essential to us as oxygen is to life. Without them, one may never fulfil their potential or life’s purpose.

In conclusion, as you journey through, and experience life, always see your detractors as the necessary evil you can’t avoid on your way to success.

Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator.  He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your  and Unleash Your Destiny .  He can be reached via

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