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FRSC Rescues 25 Ugwu Onyema Crash Victims, Vows to Prosecute Erring Driver



The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) has rescued 25 road traffic crash victims alive from the avoidable road traffic crash that occured at Ugwu Onyeama on the Enugu-Onitsha Expressway on 11 June, 2024 at 1900HRS as Corps Marshal, Shehu Mohammed directs full investigation and speedy prosecution of the driver responsible for the fatal crash.

The preliminary crash investigation report, according to a statement signed by the Public Education Officer, Corps Commander Olusegun Ogungbemide, and made available to the National Association of Online Security News Publishers (NAOSNP), revealed that the crash which was caused by speed violation involved 7 vehicles comprising of a black Toyota Matrix bearing the following registration details ENU742NL, a white Suzuki Hijet mini bus ENU982XY, a Custom Toyota Highlander jeep JRV247HK, and a blue Toyota Corolla with registration number UWN16AP.

Others are one Toyota Rav 4, one Red Mack Tanker and one Mazda vehicle.

Meanwhile, FRSC emergency rescue teams deployed to carry out rescue operations reported that the crash involved a total of 29 people comprising of 20 male adults and 9 female adults. From the number, 10 victims comprising of 8 male adults and 2 females sustained different degrees of injuries.

Unfortunately, four victims were killed as a result of the crash. FRSC investigation indicates that of the four fatalities recorded, two victims were killed on the spot while the remaining two died in the hospital.

The injured victims were rescued to orthopedic hospital, Enugu while the dead have been deposited in Park Lane Hospital morgue.

Corps Marshal Shehu Mohammed reaffirmed the position of the Corps on deepening its ongoing prosecution of drivers who by their actions cause road traffic crashes in Nigeria, noting that the driver responsible for the Ugwu Onyeama crash will not be spared.

As such, he called on the Judiciary, leadership of transport unions and other relevant stakeholders in the road transportation sector to join hands with the Corps towards restoring sanity through speedy and effective prosecution of traffic violators, especially those who cause crashes on our roads.

Recall that the Corps Marshal had during his inaugural address, drawn the attention of road users to issues of imbibing moral and ethical rebirth, which have become a major issue in the country.

He warned against traffic violations citing instances where they resulted in avoidable crashes with fire outbreak, leading to wanton loss of precious lives and destruction to properties. According to him, there is no going back on prosecuting erring drivers.

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Inter-Agency Collaboration: Lagos FRSC Boss Pays Courtesy Visit to LSSTF ES, Transport Commissioner 



As part of efforts to strengthen inter-agency collaboration and partnership, Lagos Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Corps Commander Patrick Dung Davou, has paid separate courtesy visits to the Executive Secretary of the Lagos State Security Trust Fund, Dr. Balogun Abdulrasaq, and the Commissioner for Transportation, Hon. Oluwaseun Osiiyemi.

The visits were aimed at fostering robust relationships as well as promote efficient involvement of the Corps in the State, according to a statement by available to the National Association of Online Security News Publishers (NAOSNP).

Receiving the Corps Commander, who was accompanied by senior FRSC officials, the Executive Secretary expressed appreciation for the Corps’ efforts in maintaining a better traffic environment in Lagos State.

During the visit, the Sector Commander raised vital concerns, including the shortage of patrol vehicles, PowerBikes, and Ambulance for efficient operations, as well as the need for special patrols to clamp down on over-speeding and enforcement against articulated vehicles transporting humans and animals.

The Executive Secretary welcomed these concerns and promised to cooperate with the Corps to improve collaboration, enhance work efficiency, and maintain assets.

The visit concluded with the Sector Commander presenting a plaque to the Executive Secretary as a symbol of appreciation for the existing relationship. Both parties reiterated their commitment to maximizing their partnership for the benefit of the State.

At the meeting with the Transport Commissioner, which also has in attendance the General Manager of LASTMA, Director VIO and other directors of the Ministry of Transport, Davou reiterated the need to foster a robust relationship and promote a continuous mutual working relationship for better transport management in Lagos State.

In his remarks, the Commissioner also expressed appreciation for the Corps’ efforts towards a better traffic environment in Lagos State.

Among issues of concern raised at the parley were the increasing spate of hit and run, misuse of bus stops, menace of commercial buses, need for enforcement of pedestrian bridge use, and collaboration to combat overloading and speed violation.

The Commissioner and other officials from the ministry and agencies, including LASTMA and VIS, responded positively, expressing delight in the existing relationship and the need to improve it.

The Commissioner disclosed efforts by the state government to address the concerns raised, including re-jigging of KAI to tackle pedestrian bridge abandonment, construction of more pedestrian bridges, and plans to set up a task force to holistically address traffic problems.

He further reiterated his resolve to partner with FRSC to maximize their wealth of experience for the benefit of the State.

The visit concluded with a promise to convene a stakeholders’ meeting to discuss the modality for the task force and a commitment to meet again with sister agencies within the next 30-45 days.

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Lagos Police Save Teenage Girl from Commiting Suicide



The Lagos State Police Command has said that its operatives have successfully rescued a 19-year-old female from commiting suicide in the Ikorodu area of the state, according to a statement e-signed by the Public Relations Officer, SP Benjamin Hundeyin, and made available to the National Association of Online Security News Publishers (NAOSNP).

The statement revealed that the young lady, whose identity is still being covered, attempted to kill himself by taking taking a well known insecticide, but was intercepted by Police operatives.

On interrogation, she confessed that two major incidents in her life prompted her to attempt to take her own life

The statement reads in details:

Officers from Ikorodu Area Command have rescued a nineteen-year old lady who was on the verge of committing suicide.

On June 29, 2024, at about 1400hrs, a concerned citizen informed police authorities about a young girl who was attempting to commit suicide by ingesting a harmful chemical known as Sniper. Promptly responding to the tip-off, officers were dispatched to the scene where the girl was located and prevented from causing herself harm.

Upon rescue, the lady, whose identity remains confidential, confessed that she had been driven to the brink of suicide due to severe emotional distress. She revealed that she was impregnated by a man who subsequently refused to take responsibility for the pregnancy. Additionally, she had fallen victim to a fraudster who scammed her of her earnings from her Point of Sale (POS) business, further compounding her emotional and financial struggles.

The young woman is currently receiving necessary psychological support while investigation is underway to identify and apprehend all individuals involved in her predicament.

The command also wishes to highlight the importance of mental health awareness and encourages anyone facing similar challenges to seek help promptly.

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Police Affairs Minister Hosts Turkiye Ambassador, Reiterates FG’s Commitment to Safety, Security



The Minister of Police Affairs, Senator Ibrahim Gaidam, has reiterated the commitment of the Federal Government to ensure the safety and security of the citizens through the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and best practices in the field of security with the Republic of Turkiye

He made this known during the visit of the Turkiye Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Ambassador Hidayat Bayraktar, to the Headquarters of the Ministry in Abuja, according to a statement signed by the Deputy Director, Information and Public Relations, Mr. Bolaji Kazeem, and made available to the National Association of Online Security News Publishers (NAOSNP).

The Minister acknowledged the challenges and complex security in the country noting that it is through collaborative efforts and shared experiences that they can effectively address them. Your visit serves as a testament to the importance that both our countries attach to our partnership and the desire to further enhance our cooperation for the mutual benefit of our nations. He stressed.

According to him, “Your visit served as a stepping stone towards greater collaboration, partnership, and friendship between Nigeria and the Republic of Turkiye. Let us work together, hand in hand, to create a safer, more prosperous future for our nations and our people”.

Gaidam said his visit would serve as a catalyst for greater cooperation and understanding and present a unique opportunity for us to explore avenues for collaboration in various areas of trade, security, education, and cultural exchange. One such area of immense importance is intelligence sharing and capacity building to combat transnational crimes.

He added that the Nigeria Police Force will require intervention in the area of procurement and use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for precise mapping surveillance and intelligence-led policing to combat ever-evolving terrorism, cybercrime, and organized crimes in the country.

The Minister opined that he would spare no effort in strengthening our bilateral relations, fostering greater understanding between both countries, and exploring new avenues for cooperation in various fields. Together, we can build a more secure, prosperous, and interconnected future for our nations and our citizens.

Gaidam assured that Nigeria is fully committed to nurturing, protecting, and promoting the bond of friendship that exists between our two countries adding that the nation is blessed with diversity, resilience, and a vibrant culture.

Earlier, the Turkiye Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Ambassador Hidayat Bayraktar pointed out that both countries have had a long-standing relationship since 1961 and the relationship has been improving.

He said both countries have done a lot in the security cooperation and law enforcement training. He assured the Minister of more cooperation in those areas in the future and will get back to the Ministry for further discussion.

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