Arise and Shine: Specialise and Engage the Power of Influence (Pt. 2)

By Tolulope A. Adegoke
“What do you do? How do you do it? You have got to add something to that which makes you unique; It is called carving a niche for yourself, as this helps you to do the ordinary things in extraordinary ways!” – Tolulope A. Adegoke, Ph.D., MNIM
What are you into? What are you selling? Is it real estate? You had better asked God by prayer to give you a revelation that would make your company a rare one. Are you a lawyer? Ask God for a real revelation about legal services…become specialized also by studying and working hard for it! The Angel said to Mary about Jesus Christ in the Book of life (Luke 1:31) “His name shall be called Jesus, for He shall save people from sin.” That’s simply specialization. He would have only one job, He was named what His job is. That means, His area of specialization is “salvation”. That’s why Christ was so successful while on Earth, He stayed with His focus.
You were created with the seed of influence on the inside. The seed is in you, and that’s the gift from God Almighty, The Maker. You will never get your greatness from EDUCATION alone! Education cannot give you a seed, but can only refine the seed you have on the inside. That’s why it is important to know and understand your purpose, so that you can take the right education.
Your seed is in you, already. Every one of you reading this article right now were born with a unique seed. Some people may not believe this, and that why I have got to prove to you that Trees never take their fruits to the market. I have never seen a Mango or Apple tree run you down to give you its fruits or seeds. The Mango or Apple tree simply brings forth its fruits, and the market comes to the tree for harvest.
As at 2007, My Mentor of Blessed Memory, Dr. Myles Monroe said, he had over 700 invitations to speak from different countries of the world for the year 2008. These people went looking for him on a little Island, miles wide, because he refined a seed in several ways and terms, by reading voraciously, listening to tapes and CDs of master (mentor or teacher) in his areas of interests and calling, and ends up using theirs better than they had it. But some people might end up saying, I am not going to live like him, but that’s your personal issue, but why not learn from master (mentor or teacher) who had lived, who are living and who would still live, and then make it better than they (ever) did it.
Whatever made great men to be “what” or “who” they were or are today, were learned from other master (mentor or teacher) or professionals who had lived, but the way by which they release it is under their individual unique gifts. That’s why you must break your ego per time to consistently learn from others, listen to relevant tapes and CDs, read books and articles in your areas of interests and callings, because your “tree” alone will never make a forest! Your little knowledge alone can’t give your wishes a ‘kingdom’ of its own in this generation. Above all things, you must learn to sit at the feet of Master (mentor or teacher)s directly or indirectly to lean and learn from their wealth of experiences. Closely or from afar by studying their beings via their deeds or “products” that comes in form of books, tapes or CDs, write-ups and results or influence!
Drop your ego! it won’t take you farther than you are; learn to live on the shoulders of giants to become relevant across nations and all through generations. It doesn’t matter being like them, what matter most is knowing “what” they know or knew so that you can know and act (do) better. And, truly, this is the authentic meaning of the principal thing called underSTANDING – you must firstly stay under, learn under and lean under, earn under a Master (mentor or teacher) or a giant before you can be trusted enough to stand on their shoulders to be greater than them, in all things, and among all beings (it is called a track-record). Listen to top minds in your areas of calling and harden not your heart – give entrance to the teachings that comes from them to you. Listen and absorb these teachings and make it sound like yours in your own unique ways according to the anointing or gifting which are embedded in you! this is called research – that is, searching deep into what had been searched, before. Then the world would pay you to hear it over and over again. And while you watch films or programmes on the Cable TVs, great men are busy studying, listening to tapes and CDs. Be kind to yourself enough not to be trapped by (irrelevant) TV programmes and other ideals that doesn’t edify your spirit man nor favour your course or beings or purpose.
Reconstruct yourself with the right “knowledge” (light) – you must know relevant things in this current age, so as to have an edge for ages to come. You can’t release what you have not eaten and digested, you cannot give what you don’t have! Be true to yourself, be wise, not just for yourself, but also for those that are dying for the seeds or gift that you carry, which you have carelessly or ignorantly failed or refused to refine and release. Permit me to say that Cable TV is a ‘thief’, it steals your time and controls your emotion. You have got to manage that remote control of yours, otherwise, it will manage your life!
Refine your fruits, and people would come searching for you… you will be found! The remaining part of this year (2022) is loaded with power, influence and double celebrations. If you are going to influence, you have got to find your gift, and those who need it would come and find you. For instance, when you want Mango or Apple, you have got to locate the trees which produces or carries them. How then does an Apple or Mango tree become one? Paul in the Bible says, “forget about the former things, you have got to forget about some things and some people”. Don’t be emotional about your destiny, but be intentional! One of the major secrets is found in the Book of Genesis 1:26-28. God created you in His Own Image, and said unto you:
i. Be Fruitful
ii. Multiply
iii. Replenish
iv. Subdue, and have dominion over all the earth.
i. God said, “Be Fruitful”! He never said be “seed-ful”! He knew He had already deposited the seeds in you, when He formed you. It is impossible to be fruitful unless you have seeds in you. it is seeds that brings forth fruits. The word ‘fruitful’ in the Hebrew word means to be productive. It doesn’t mean to have babies, alone. To produce means to be fruitful. To produce comes from life. The factories, manufacturing companies, shopping malls are mostly relevant because of their productivities from their production department, without it, all other department are dead areas. If you eat those nylon packs, cans, they will only kill you. it is the seeds which are packaged in those cans and bags that gives life. To be fruitful is the first ACT of God! That means, you must produce something after your kind, based on the seeds that you carry within you. It is a command to fulfil as human beings.
ii. Multiply – This means that, you have to reproduce what you produce.
iii. Replenish means to distribute your fruits or gifts. Don’t keep them to yourself.
iv. Subdue – this means to dominate the areas of your gifts.
Mr. Bill Gate, is a worthy exemplar in this context. He followed these procedures so effectively, which caused the entire government of America to come against him to break up his company. Bill Gate produced a fruit called the Microsoft Software, then he multiplied it, later distributed it, by replenishment, until he was able to subdue the market and control all systems to the point that the Congress had to call him to break the company. No one could have such power over America or the world. He became a dominated spirit. He dominated the world of software. He followed God’s plan and principles for mankind.
Whoever dominates, influences in their field or areas of calling. Inside of you is a fruit trapped in the seed that you carry, and that seed must bring forth the tree carrying your fruits, then, you are charged to multiply your fruits, so that it can be distributed, afterwards you can subdue your area of gifting. Here’s when you become known for something. You have become a brand of the “seed” that you carry to influencing your world!
As stated by the late Dr. Myles Monroe, “please ‘die’ after you are known for something!” To ‘die’ in this context means Self-discipline which requires isolation and processes in order to manifest and trejuvenate!
What are you known for? You have got a lot of work to do, if you haven’t found purpose. When you hear the name Michael Jordan, what come to your mind? Basket-Ball! Tiger Woods is known for Golf! Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are known for Football, the late Dr. Myles Monroe was known for “Purpose Driving Life”, infact he was awarded in America with a trophy labelled Mr. purpose! Oprah Winferey is known for Talk Shows! Please, kindly as yourself, what am you known for? Please work on something, so hard and so smart in the year 2022, such that it becomes your name or identity! That’s simply your assignment. You will never find a Mango tree trying to produce Apple! They stay with their seeds. They produce after their kind. It stays with its germ, and germinates what it is. Human are the only creatures that brings forth all kind of things, anybody know what to pick from them. They are one thing today, and something else tomorrow. What exactly do you do? What exactly are you good at, such that you effortlessly command dominion in that area? Develop it! That’s your calling.
The keys to bearing fruits in this generation for generations are:
i. The Seed must first be in the “right environment” (Location). choose your association wisely! Locate your place, settle in there and invest, as did Isaac in the Book of life (Genesis 26:12).
ii. Isolation: If you desire to become great, then you must practice the law of isolation. Isolate or separate yourself from friends that are wired to end your destiny! For a seed to become a tree, it must first be taken away from the earth and hidden under the ground for “incubation”. When they ask you, where have you been? Tell them, you have been studying! How come you no longer go to parties? Tell them, you have been listening to relevant tapes and CDs that develops the king in you to manifest in your areas of purpose on earth. Isolation aide germination. Every single seed must die for it to germinate. To ‘die’ means self –discipline. You die to friends, old habits, old association, old club life – cut them off! To develop yourself, you must be intentional, not emotional! A seed will not become a tree until it dies! Many people are poison, please beware! Help your destiny to move with those that carry the value that your destiny need to function and develop or manifest with! Light beget light! Follow after your cravings! If you are stupid, don’t follow stupid people. Don’t roll with the kind of people you will never deem fit to hire to grow higher! In 2022, you have got to change some of your friends.
iii. Germinate – every seed must germinate. This means that, you must motivate yourself from a source. You have got to find people who motivates you, that makes you to germinate, go to seminars that would improve that which you carry. Read books that would fine-tune your essence. You have got to be around people that helps you to germinate, those that would influence you to dream big and become bigger! Don’t move with scared people – people who are scared to dare big things. Run away from those that look down on the qualities on the virtues that you carry!
iv. You have got to “Water the Seed” – This means that you constantly develop a program to manage your development. That means, you must join organizations that improves the quality of your being, put yourself on a reading program. Discipline yourself to read at least two books, a month. You have got to water yourself to keep flourishing!
v. Fertilizer (Destiny Boosters) – this means that you have to refine and refresh your program to constantly grow yourself. Some people are poison. You do not need poison; you do not need pollution! What you need are refiners, boosters. May God give us wisdom to discern and stop keeping bad company. Bad company isn’t limited to those that smokes or drink, but those that subtracts from you and divides you! Move with those that adds to your values and multiply the grace that you carry!
vi. You need Sunshine. If you must develop this fruit tree, you need special networking. That means, you get to network with organizations and people who become your light. This is the specialty of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, our Saviour, God Almighty, Our Father in Heaven, and good friends in the Body of Christ and professional people who can lead you to higher ground. You need to network with people who can get you to where you need to get to. Your networks determine your net-worth. This year 2022, review your network, and see if your net is working.
vii. Pruning – Many don’t like this. If you must develop the fruits, there must be pruning. Pruning means, you have got to cut off some people, ideals, practices, habits, situations and opportunities which are liable to cut off your destiny! You have got to manage people, time and situations in your life. You can outgrow your friends, and when this happens, it’s time to leave. Always know when to leave people. When you start growing and your friend aren’t then, you become a misfit. Be careful! Run!
viii. Time – When you put a seed into the ground, it takes time for it to germinate. You can’t force it to grow. If you must maximize the remaining part of this year as your best year, yet you have got to use your time wisely. Don’t rush growth! You have got to accept the processes. The processes are necessary for the purpose to be fulfilled. Process takes time and it requires patience! You can’t rush success, but you can guarantee it.
ix. Patience – when you start working with a tree, you plant a seed, and you have got to be patient. When you put a seed in a cup or into the ground, it takes its required time to grow, so, you have just got to be patient with the process of fulfilling purpose. Do you really know why many aren’t really growing? No patience! Great men are very patient people; they don’t emerge into greatness without having gone through the required processes without the instrumentality and practicality of patience. This is why there is so much crime rate in many part of the world today. People want instant success. They don’t want to work to pay for a CD player, they want to break into your house and get it, instantly. It is called CRIME! There is no other beautiful word to describe it. Crime is crime and those involved in its act are criminals. They don’t want to save and put money in the bank, rather, they want to just rob the bank. Delayed gratification? No! they can’t handle it. Take your time to complete the processes in school. Don’t quit! Hang on there, go for it! Attend that evening school. All trees need patience. One thing about trees is that, when it grows up to become big, it can withstand a whole lot of pressure because of its firm root which took time to sprout. Its stands there… because of patience.
God has bought you over with a new attitude to rejuvenate and to MANifest, just as He intended for you. Therefore, Arise and Shine!
Thank you all for reading.
“The Power of an Empowered Zero” (From Zero to HERO) is a Book authored by Tolulope A. Adegoke, PhD. Foreword by Dr Yomi Garnett (CEO/Chancellor, Royal Biographical Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., U.K., Abuja, Nigeria.) Edited by Ola Aboderin. Designed by Sceptirus. It is currently available on Selar, Amazon and Bambooks.
Food for Living: The Principles of Seed Time and Harvest Time

By Henry Ukazu
Dear Destiny Friends,
The importance of timing cannot be overemphasized. Timing is everything in life. It is critical to one’s success. You can lose your money and get it back in many folds. You can even lose your health and get it back all things being equal, but when you lose time, you can hardly get it back again.
The importance of timing can be seen in crops. Every crop has a season, a good farmer won’t plant maize when it’s time for oranges, nor will he plant pears when it’s the season for mangoes.
Time is very instrumental to the success and failure of anyone. Imagine having a meeting or interview at 9:00am and you arrive at 10:10am, it will take the grace of God to be interviewed. As an employee, apart from one not being able to diligently do his job, one of the fastest ways for an employee to lose his job is by being late to work.
When I was in New York Law School studying Taxation law, I did a course titled, the Problem of Timing. During the semester, I learnt about cash and accrued income. Let me do some academic exercise here. In cash income, just like the name entails, one is paid in cash as soon as the work is completed. It’s just like going to the market to make a purchase. One can either pay directly with cash or with debit or credit card. But Accrued income refers to revenue a company has earned by providing goods or services, but for which payment has not yet been received, one will have to do the work first before getting paid. This is applicable when one works in either a public or private organization where one is paid either weekly, bi-weekly or at the end of the month depending on the stipulated mode of payment.
It’s important to note that before the money is paid either in cash or accrued, one would have earned it. It’s just like one learning g before earning, and one will have to update to upgrade. These are just the practical principles that will work with life.
In the same way, in life there’s a seed time and harvest time. It’s a universal principle of life. Whether as a parent, entrepreneur, student or employee. As a parent, if you don’t train your kids very well, they will grow up to reflect the opposite of what you desire. As an entrepreneur when you invest in your business, you will get the reward in due time. As a student, if you take your studies seriously, your grades will improve, and as an employee, you stand to get promotions and opportunities when you add value to your work. In summary, one will have to put in the work before recognition comes on.
To understand how seedtime and harvest work, imagine where parents tend to like one child more than others just because they see potential in him, or he’s smart, hardworking or even creative. They fail to understand that every child is different and as such their timing can be different. Some kinds take time to develop.
I personally believe there’s something so unique about each individual which God has deposited in everyone of us. It’s just a matter of time for it to manifest. Your timing of manifestation is different from your siblings and colleagues.
Personally, I didn’t mature fast with my contemporaries. Overtime, I have seen much improvement in my personal and professional life. Maybe because I have added value to my work with the assistance of mentors and good friends, or God had to humble my colleagues and mentors . Why do I say this? During my formative years, I had little or nothing to show for it. I was looking at my contemporaries as mentor and seeing my mentors as small gods whose feat is unattainable, but now, the reverse seems to be case as I have developed capacity some of my colleagues are yet to attain, while I have even surpassed the achievement of my some of my mentors in some quarters.
In all these, they are all surprised how it happened. Some are yet to comprehend or articulate the feat. It’s just like watching a film where everyone slept and woke up to see the game and tides have changed. The secret behind it is the seed time and harvest time. I was probably learning the trade while in the wilderness, and when the training season matured and ripe enough to be harvested, I became attractive to almost everyone who loved the seed I was producing.
There are litany of examples of people, who have been in the wilderness during the seed planting season. Let’s take a case study of Joseph in the Bible, his journey to stardom took a little twist. Despite the travails he experienced in the hands of his siblings who sold him, his experience while in the jail, and with Portiphar’s wife, who tried to seduce him; they were all set ups for success. The moral here is Joseph seed time and harvest time was quite different, it wasn’t a smooth journey. Ordinarily, one would have cursed his siblings or his friends who were with him in prison and forgot him after they were released. But at the end of time, everything worked out for his favor. Joseph’s seed days were his dark days while in the wilderness.
Another inspiring story of note was that of Pastor Ibukun Awosika, the former board Chairman of First Bank of Nigeria. She once shared a pathetic story during her formative years of being in business. According to her, she sojourned for about 15 years. She cried because lines were not adding up for her and she wouldn’t do what her contemporaries were doing to get opportunities. At a point in her business, it appeared like she was in a race of own life because everything seemed to be against her, but at the appropriate time, lines began to fall in place for her. Appointments, business opportunities, favours and goodwill began to fall in place for her. Again, she had a fair share of seed time.
An interesting question I would like to ask you is, what’s your seed time? Have you ever been in the wilderness when you appeared to be fixed? It’s unfortunate many people are not willing to pass through the storms or experience seeds and harvest time. Amidst all these, one must do some work before they get opportunities. However, before such opportunities will come up, one will have to plant the seed.
In conclusion, seed time and harvest time is critical in the journey of life. Take a seat and determine what seed you would like to sow and what you’ll like to harvest.
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your and Unleash Your Destiny . He can be reached via
Senate Suspends Senator Natasha for Six Months, Withdraws Salaries, Security Details

By Eric Elezuo
The Senate has suspended Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghen for six months over her sexual harassment accusation and other disputes against the Senate President, Godswill Akpabio.
The Senate also withdrew her salaries for the period of the suspension, as well as her security details.
The chamber however, soft-pedaled on the salaries and allowances of her aides, who it was argued would not have any source of livelihood within the period.
Glo Welcomes e-SIM Customers with Free 5GB Data

Globacom is welcoming new customers on its network with the introduction of the e-SIM. The e-SIM activated in any Gloworld shop or Dealer outlet comes with an introductory free 5GB data when the customer buys a data plan of N1,500 or more.
Customers already on other networks can now join the Glo network with e-SIM as an additional SIM. Existing Glo customers can also enjoy this “SIM-less” freedom.
With the e-SIM, customers no longer have to worry about space for a physical SIM on their phones. The e-SIM is a software-based digital chip built directly into smartphones or wearable devices, thus eliminating the need for a physical SIM card for customers.
The use of e-SIM enables customers to have seamless switching between phone numbers without a physical SIM. It is ideal for upwardly mobile people who travel frequently. The e-SIM also guarantees security, as unlike physical SIM, it is harder to remove from devices. It is also eco-friendly and reduces plastic waste.
Globacom’s launch of the e-SIM enables enables it to cater to high-net-worth individuals and enterprise customers, and it also reinforces the company’s commitment to providing seamless and future-ready services to its customers.
A customer seeking to activate the Glo e-SIM needs to check the compatibility of the mobile handset by dialling *#06# on his or her phone. If an EID number reflects on the mobile screen, the device is e-SIM compatible.
“The customer can then proceed to the nearest Gloworld shop or Glo Dealer outlet to migrate to e-SIM. The process takes only a few minutes and the customer can thereafter begin to enjoy the use of an e-SIM”, the Marketing Department disclosed.