Food for Living: The Effect of Digital Age of Innovation
By Henry Ukazu
Greetings Friends!
I will like to begin this article by thanking the first founders and inventors of internet, Robert E. Kahn Internet who developed protocol suite (TCP/IP) in the 1950’s, and Vint Cerf in the 1970s. It’s also important to mention the Computer Scientist, Tim Berners-Lee, who invented the World Wide Web. This giant idea led to other great inventions and innovations from great minds such as Warren Buffet – the inventor of Microsoft Corporation and Mark Zuckerberg the founder of Facebook.
Before we proceed proper, let’s have an overview or background information on digital information. There are two main areas where the nature of innovation has been changed as a result of the direct impact of the digital revolution: 1. Research and Development which is mostly used by big corporations and government agencies. R&D is one of the most important units of any organization because it helps to bring new products to the company in order to make it contemporaneous with the demands of the world. 2. Product and process innovation which is used by mainly used manufacturing companies. Digital technology made it possible for new products and services to produce quality advantages and business model innovation. This is mainly used by entrepreneurs and business oriented companies. 3. Business Model innovation which allow businesses to entirely re-imagine traditional business models by leveraging a powerful mix of emerged digital tools, advanced machinery and adjusted workforce, giving price and quality of service advantages over incumbents. The modern innovation of business models is originated by the tech professionals’ community and is taken further by business professionals that have acknowledged new opportunities
This is not really a technological and digital article per se, rather it is an article that sheds light on the effects of digital innovation. Today’s article will be a little bit controversial, but I will encourage you to think out of the box in order to appreciate the message inherent in it. It’s undisputable fact that the internet has made the world a small village. A lot of transformation has taken place between 19th century and now. The 2Ist century can literally be called the jet age. This progressive view of life has made many companies to scot for exceptional beings with ideas who will add value to their company as opposed to the theoretical knowledge (formal education) that comes with fundamental trainings and procedure. It is on this note we shall be discussing about the formal education and the informal education which we have been exposed to in contemporary times.
I strongly believe it will be right to say ideas rule the world. With the invention of technology, the world has seen and felt ingenuity of ideas which has led major innovations. This digital age of innovation has caused some controversies in some quarters because of the ingenuity of ideas that has sprang up from it. Some of this ingenuity of ideas has made many people to believe that skills, talent and ideas are the ultimate in life. No doubt to a reasonable extent, that is true because many companies are always looking for ideas on how to take their business to the next level in addition to maximizing cost, but at the same time they also know that having a form of theoretical and formal knowledge and background in the industry is also necessary.
This is a topic of interest to me because I see a lot information making rounds in the world with respect to people who have achieved success without formal education. Some of this people achieved success with their skills, network, ideas and talent. Some of them also achieved success with little or formal education. And even people who have formal education figured out that true success lies in thinking out of the box in addition to developing themselves by thinking out of the box.
As an advocate of education, I strongly believe a good education is priceless. Even though you are talented it is also good for you to attain some level of formal education if you have the opportunity because there are certain information which you may not be exposed to on the street or talent. Even the Book of life stated in Proverbs 4: 13 “Your education is your life, guard it very well”. Even though education is not the yardstick for success, but it helps to prepare the way for success. I think it’s only percent of the world who have been extremely humbled to have attained amazing success without having formal education. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gate attended one of the best schools in the world before dropping out when they discovered they had a lot to offer to the world. I recently gave a talk to the Urban Male Leadership Academy in Borough of Manhattan Community College in New York, and I remembered asking the students what does success mean to you? Most of the students gave various answers which sounded right and indeed were right based on the area their thought process. I explained to them success is indeed relative and true success is doing better than you did yesterday. I also enlightened them about skills acquisition and value creation which I call ideas for sustainable growth.
As mentioned earlier, the focus on this article is about making us to think out of the box by comparing and contrasting formal education and informal education. In as much I believe in informal education which I likened to skills, talent and ideas, I also believe formal education is the foundation of all information. Some schools of thought opine that life begins after High school and college. This is because it is what you do with the knowledge you have acquired that makes the difference and how you apply it to solve the problems in the world. In today’s labour market, employers also look for candidates who have really distinguished themselves with ideas because ideas truly rule the world. Yes, it is true, I however, think it also depends on the nature of the involved. Some jobs needed theoretical knowledge and expertise like medicine and law.
One of the major reasons some people agree that ideas are more valuable than formal education is because some of the disciples of this school of thought have been able to generate good money with their creativity. For example, the app and robot inventors. Without sounding immodest, I will like to state that formal education is still very important in today’s society. In fact, it is a plus for you if you have it and have other great ideas. Acquiring it will go a good a long way to create opportunities for you. I’m speaking from experience because I have seen and tasted it from various aspect.
I have a question of interest. Has the effects of digital age of innovation done more harm than good? I will say no because it has really made the world a better place. However, the only negative influence I can think of which is not really a negative influence per se is that it has influenced a lot of people to think formal education is not as important as it ought to be due to the ideas some creative minds have been able to conceive.
Further more, it is important to note a real education enables a rational mind to think out of the box. When you add your skills the value increases. I’m particularly interested in this article because contemporary youths are paying more attention to what the society is showing them, thereby making it hard for some students go to school or even concentrate while in school forgetting that rational and informed youths combine both academic knowledge and informal knowledge. As a matter of fact, if the only knowledge you have is what you have upstairs which is devoid of formal education, your chances of conquering new grounds might be limited. The world has truly grown and new business needs some form of knowledge and information which can come in form of formal education in order for it to properly executed.
Let me share a personal experience with you, I have a legal background, but that has not stopped me from exploring other options. During the course of writing my book, I shared valuable and resourceful information relating to my legal background, tax background and all my professional work experience and the message has really resonated with so many people when they read my book. Some of the opportunities I have received in recent times came from people who have interest in my professional and academic experience. All this experience add up to and make me a resourceful being when I write and speak. What people often see is the finish work (public speaking), but they don’t see the background work. To some people, I am a great public speaker and writer but I know for a fact a lot of factors and experience contributed to it. I didn’t allow my skills to overshadow my professional and academic accomplishment.
In conclusion, since we are all concerned about achieving success, the best way to do go about it is to know yourself just like Bill Gate, Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, Richard Branson and Henry Ukazu did. By so doing, you’ll will be able to know the path to thread because each and everyone of us is different.
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with New York City Department of Correction as the legal Coordinator. He’s the author of the acclaimed book Design Your Destiny – Actualizing Your Birthright To Success.
Food for Living: The Insatiable Nature of Man
By Henry Ukazu
Dear Destiny Friends,
There’s no doubt that human beings by nature are insatiable. When we get one opportunity, we always look for another. When we attain one height, we always look for another accomplishment. Isn’t it true that the end of one mountain is the beginning of another.
However, I don’t think it’s selfish for anyone to dare to succeed.
Being ambitious doesn’t make one an opportunist or disloyal. It all depends on one’s perception or outlook to life. It’s just natural for one to dream big. It’s only ugly when the process one chooses to achieve his desires becomes dirty and nasty.
According to a former Nigerian presidential candidate and seasoned Economist, Mr. Peter Obi, “if you must be referred to as “Your Excellency”, then the process through which you arrived in office must be excellent”.
If you desire to be reckoned with on the journey of existence, you must be legitimately hungry for success. One’s hunger for success will facilitate the drive to accomplish great tasks despite daunting obstacles posing as challenges.
When one has this mindset, one will not be bothered by the noise which serves as obstacles and challenges along the way. Negative and weak minds are always concerned on why something won’t work. They tend to focus their energy and reasons on the obstacles facing them. But great and productive minds always focus their energy on the reasons why it will work. This is the spirit of an insatiable mind who is a goal- getter.
It’s instructive to note that we can’t please everyone. According to Bill Cosby, a famous actor, “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone.” Isn’t it true that when you talk, people will still talk about you, when you don’t talk, people will talk about you, so whether you talk or not, people will still judge you, so, do what’s best for you. There’s nothing you can do to please human beings. Your best option is to live your best life.
To understand how the insatiable nature of man works, one must be oneself. You don’t have to “please” anyone. Be yourself, and don’t try to be like anyone just to curry favour. It’s important to note that when you are yourself, the people that matter will come through for you, and the people that don’t matter will gradually find the bearing in another space because those that truly care don’t bother and those that bother don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.
Life has truly taught me to focus on the important things of life as opposed to the mundane things. It’s truly sad to see people spending more time on the little things of life, and spending little time on the important things of life. That’s just a misplaced priority.
When you are yourself, the best people can do is to copy or imitate your style. They can never imitate your creativity nor can take your originality from you.
We live in a world or society where people don’t generally care or show empathy. Most people tend to live around themselves, their family, and close associates. They generally find it hard to lift a finger to assist others for reasons best known to them. Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka once said, “we live in a wicked generation”, re-echoing the voices of a lot of people of the world. Some people in authority just have criminal expertise in amassing wealth of opportunities meant for the citizens without thinking of the citizens they are meant to serve.
It’s worthy of note that not everyone will like you nor support your work, but when you find people who truly care about you; please hold them tight. This is because despite having family members you have shown love and compassion, they might not still appreciate you even if you lay your life for them, they will still find something to say. Again, this is the insatiable nature of man.
It’s okay for everyone not to like you, normalize living your life for God, yourself, family and those that care about you. If everyone likes you, you have a problem.
Did you know that you can get a new family from friends, strangers, and acquaintances? These sets of people might appreciate you more than your own family members. They might not demand or under appreciate you like your family members and close friends or associates. Any little support you give them will be highly appreciated. Their focus is to see you do better.
In conclusion, as you desire to succeed in life, never give in to failure until you have made your last attempt, and never make your last attempt until you succeed. This literally means whatever you desire, dream it, think it, say it, and believe you can achieve it. This principle is generally applicable to relationships, businesses, family, personal and professional development.
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your and Unleash Your Destiny . He can be reached via info@gloemi.com
Food for Living: What Seeds Are You Sowing Today?
By Henry Ukazu
Greetings Destiny Friends,
We are all familiar with the Law of karma, which implies that every action has consequences, or that whatever a person does comes back to them. It’s also known as the law of cause and effect, which means for any action, there’s usually a corresponding consequence.
This has a close resemblance to a foremost scientist, Isaac Newton’s theory, the Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, which states that “whatever goes up must come down”.
The principle and ideology behind these laws and principles are centered on the principle of life that stays, the way you lay your bed that’s the way you will lay on it. The question we need to ask ourselves is what seeds are we sowing? It’s instructive to note that nobody plants an orange seed and reaps a mango fruit, nor can a watermelon seed produce a pineapple fruit.
The principle of sowing and reaping is sacrosanct. It is whatever one sows that they will reap. This principle is universal. When you sow a seed, you might not get the result immediately, but you will get it in due time by and by.
As a man, when you treat your spouse with love and affection, you will surely get a reciprocal from her, and as a woman there’s the tendency to reciprocate a support from a partner, especially when he is down. These are laws that work with conscience and heart of gratitude of the recipient. No doubt, common sense entails one does the needful.
As a business owner, when you invest in your company and staff, you are bound to reap the fruits in due time. As a parent, when you invest in your children’s good home training and quality education, you’ll be glad for the foundation you laid at your old age.
As a progressive mind, when you invest in reading books, building sustainable relationships, networking, learning skills and adding value to your life, updating and upgrading your life via personal development, you are bound to reap the fruits of your labour.
The challenge most people have is that they haven’t taken time to learn, nor have they taken time to sow the seeds that will create opportunity for them. Some people are just comfortable with begging or looking for parasitic opportunities where they haven’t invested time and resources. Some people are even entitled to someone’s work just because they are friends, family or have a form of relationship. This shouldn’t be the case. As human beings, it’s important for one to be intentional and strategic. Nobody likes to be “used”, rather people like to give value to their time and money.
It is important to note that any seed one sows today, will produce the fruit they will either eat or need tomorrow. In my personal development journey, I was a little bit confused on how I wanted to execute my vision. Because I lacked the right mentors to strategically guide and inspire me, I began to live my life based on experience with no set plan.
In some cases I failed, and in some cases I was able to make an impact. However, one thing is certain, I was moving in the direction I needed by being at the right events and meeting the right people. In the course of time, I began to see myself gaining clarity about my interest. Overtime, I had mentors who were instrumental in guiding and strategically positioning me in the right direction.
When I look back in retrospect, I can only give God the glory because the little works and skills I invested in my life have gradually begun to pay back. The moral here is that I sowed the seeds I am reaping today. It took a while, but it finally came through. This experience has shown me one can get to any height in life, in addition to getting recognition when one is consistent, intentional and passionate about a cause.
Whether you are a boxer, teacher, singer, athlete, journalist, lawyer, coach, writer or minister of the gospel, please do it diligently, and if what you are doing is your purpose in life, the universe has a way of conspiring with you to get to the top.
When people say someone is lucky, blessed, privileged, smart, highly connected to a mentor, or resource person, they are just crafting words of art to describe or qualify their point just to convey a message. This is because though all these words might play a role, if one has not taken a time to do the work, the required opportunity will not pop out and even if they pop out, and one is not destined for the opportunity, the corresponding blessings will not come.
The question we need to ask ourselves is what are we doing with our lives? What seeds are we sowing for the blessings and opportunities we are hoping to get. In my native belief in law, there’s a latin maxim that says “Nemo dat quod non habet” which translates to ‘you can’t give what you don’t have’. This is the reality of many people. They want money, but don’t want to work. They want opportunities but don’t want to intern or serve in probono capacity. They want favours just because they are related or have a kind of relationship with someone, and therefore, automatically believe it will rub off on them without them giving substantiated reasons why they need support. These sets of people believe wealth is sexually transmitted.
I can go on and on, but as a sage will say, a word is enough for the wise.
In conclusion, as you journey through life, always remember that whatever you sow has a way of coming back to you, if not today, in your old age, or transmuted to your children. Just like when you assist your boss in saving money, tomorrow when you have a company, your employees will pay you back without you knowing it’s the deed you invested many years ago. As a single man or lady, when you derive joy in sleeping with married women or men, just know that you will get a corresponding visit in due time.
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your and Unleash Your Destiny . He can be reached via info@gloemi.com
Food for Living: Embrace Excellence, Create Prosperity
By Henry Ukazu
Dear Destiny Friends,
As human beings, our desires and needs can be insatiable. This is because when one task is accomplished, there’s always the tendency to set our minds for another immediate goal. Even when we get our basic needs, we usually have the urge to get another need. There’s nothing wrong with that however, because it’s only unambitious and docile minds, that would like to dwell in their comfort zones.
In the journey of life, everyone desires prosperity, though not knowing that prosperity is actually a human heritage because everyone is born to win. Prosperity however, doesn’t only mean financial breakthrough, but can also refer to health, academia, family, business, and personal improvement. To prosper in any of these areas, one must understand the basics and the necessary appurtenances that come with similar positions.
Let’s take a minute to explain how these factors play a role in creating prosperity. For instance, to have great health, one doesn’t need to spend more; simple personal hygiene like exercise, good rest, good food, good fruits and more, play a great role. When one engages in all these, they will discover their mental and physical well-being will be in good shape. The same principle is applicable to a student who has done the needful in studying the foundational elements of his major; he stands a better chance of getting a good grade.
If the same principle is applied in personal businesses through creation of excellent product or service, one will never lack clients again. In business, customers love good delivery. When your work is good, people will naturally flow towards you.
The family is not an exception. To build a family, the foundation is very important. The same principle is applicable in our personal and professional lives. When one is intentional in building good values and character, it has a way of robbing off the person in their personal and professional lives.
The symbolic nature of this analysis is that for any great establishment, one must be consistent in building it. It takes a process for someone to be successful. So, whether you are building a brand in business, academic, health, or personal development, every single step one takes is very important in the development or success of that project. When you accumulate all the steps, it has a holistic prospect of making one’s brand unique.
Just to share a practical example of how excellence works – Imagine having an opportunity to meet a legend, who can be a president of a country, Chief Executive Officer of a reputable organization, a Governor of a state, a celebrity of high esteem or even a resource person of interest and you begin to request for money instead of asking questions in order to learn more from them, you might lose them. An intentional being can take time to study the person by building a strong relationship via communication, volunteering for the person, reading the work of the person or even by giving them gifts; all these are proactive actionable steps of creating prosperity, which speak volumes about the person.
Most times, when we want money, wealth, opportunities and prosperity, and we think they are far from us, but the simple truth is that they are within us if only we are able to look deep inside ourselves critically. For instance, if you have a business you are engaged in, no matter how little it is, and is diligent in serving your clients with excellent customer service relationships, it has a potential of scaling up, especially when you deliver excellent service.
Did you know one can build excellence by building the relationship in terms of value with the resource persons? It is the positive work one does that will attract global favours and opportunities. The favour and opportunity will not come one day, but I strongly believe it will come, especially when one is working on purpose.
The mistake most people make in life is that they give up too easily either because the desired returns they are expecting are yet to arrive, or they are not passionate, or vision oriented enough about the cause.
Let me share a practical experience. During my formative years in the USA, then I was still working as a security officer, one of my mentors asked me, ‘Henry, what would you want to do with your life in the near future?’ He advised me to take my time to think about the question before answering it. While I was reflecting on the question, he said, what is one thing you know you can do in life, and you know you won’t fail? I said, I want to be a youth advocate.
He said, you have said this quite a few times, but you need to be engaged in meaningful work before your advocacy work will be appreciated. He further asked me, what’s your passion? I said inspiring youths. He looked at me and said, I know you love youth work, but how do you intend to do this? What will you be teaching them? I said, I will be inspiring them. He looked at me and smiled. It was at this moment; I realized I had much work to do. He finally said to me, before you can inspire anyone, you must have inspired yourself by distinguishing yourself in a particular work which will be compelling to the youths because your work will come with commensurate experience and stories.
Looking back in retrospect, I can definitely relate to what my mentor was saying. Why am I sharing this? Excellence does not come in one day. It takes a process. Over a period of about 15 years, I have directly or indirectly been involved in youth advocacy, and this work has really distinguished and announced me in many quarters. My most recent award was from the White House with President Biden’s signature on it.
Now, you see that one’s work, backed by excellence can create prosperity.
According to Dr. Yomi Garnett, prosperity does not create excellence. Rather, the reverse is what holds true. Excellence creates prosperity. Therefore, from today, start the process of discovering your own personal excellence; your own best path to fulfillment. Then, every day, walk that path.”
The moral of this quote above is that money will not make you prosperous. It is your work that will attract money and prosperity for you, when they are good. Isn’t it true that nobody patronizes a bad product? No customer or client gives tips on a bad service. No good teacher rewards a lazy student, and no great company promotes a lackadaisical staff to an enviable height. Again, have you seen that it is one’s work which is backed by excellence that creates prosperity.
In conclusion, if you desire prosperity or want would like to receive awards and recognition, discover what makes you unique, create your own path and serve humanity by solving problems in an excellent way. Trust me, if you diligently do this, you will understand the meaning of the best form of doing business is personal referral.
Henry Ukazu writes from New York. He works with the New York City Department of Correction as the Legal Coordinator. He’s the founder of Gloemi. He’s a Transformative Human Capacity and Mindset coach. He is also a public speaker, youth advocate, creative writer and author of Design Your Destiny Design Your and Unleash Your Destiny . He can be reached via info@gloemi.com